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Nice classification version XI-2017 will be effective from 01 October 2017 in Vietnam

On 24 August 2017, the NOIP issued Notification No. 6983/TB-SHTT informing that from 01 October 2017, the National Office of Intellectual Property (“NOIP”) in Vietnam will adopt Nice Classification version XI-2017 in Vietnamese which has been translated by the NOIP, based on the Nice XI-2017 from WIPO’s publication.
The Vietnamese version of Nice XI-2017 can be found in the IP Gazette No. 353B dated 25 August 2017 or via the following link:
In the above link, it is possible to find (i) Amendment of the Nice XI-2017 in comparison with the prior version of Nice Classification, (ii) Class heading of Nice XI-2017 and (iii) Alphabetical list of goods/services. 
Nice XI-2017 in English/French in form of word, excel and PDF may be downloaded from the following link:
Any question and queries on classification of goods/services in Vietnam may be sent to the following contacts for clarification and advice on gratis basis:
Intellectual Property Division – Vietthink Law Firm and Intellectual Property Agent
8th Floor, Diamond Flower Tower, Le Van Luong Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Tel/Fax: (+84) 46 666 6886 
HP: (+84) 941 661 881
Last updated: 09/16/2017