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Registration for protection of industrial property objects in Vietnam

1. Protection of regular mark, collective mark, certification mark
  • Definition of regular mark, collective mark, certification mark
  • Procedure instruction
  • Extension of the validity of a registered mark 
  • Amendment/supplementation/division of submitted applications for registration of marks 
  • Regrant of protection certificates of mark
2. Protection of industrial designs
  • Definition of industrial designs
  • Examining the eligibility for grant of protection titles for the industrial designs before submission of application
  • Procedure instruction
  • Extension of the validity of a registered industrial design 
  • Regrant of protection certificates of industrial design
3. Protection of inventions, utility solutions
  • Definition of inventions, utility solutions
  • Procedure instruction
  • Maintenance of validity of an invention patent
4. Protection of geographical indication
  • Definition of geographical indication
  • Procedure instruction
5. Protection of layout designs of integrated circuits
  • Definition of layout designs of integrated circuits
  • Procedure of registering protection of layout designs of integrated circuits 
6. Protection of trade secrets
  • Definition of trade secrets
7. Protection of trade names
  • Definition of trade names
8. Objection/complaint/termination/cancellation of validity of intellectual property objects
  • Opposition to grant the protection title 
  • Complaint about a decision to grant the protection title
  • Termination/cancellation of validity of intellectual property objects
9. Protection of copyrights
  • Definition of copyrights
10. Protection of rights to plant varieties
  • Definition of rights to plant varieties
11. Protection of domain names
  • Definition of domain names
Last updated: 07/05/2021