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Vietthink's Brochure 2017

IP Brochure

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Adjustment of an Investment registration certificate (IRC) for project that is subject to the Provincial People’s Committee’s approval for investment guidelines:


Prime Minister and the Investment Registration Authorities, including: Department of Planning and Investment or the Management boards of the industrial parks, export-processing zones, hi-tech zones and economic zones




Step 1:

Investors submit dossier to the Ministry of Planning and Investment;


Step 2:

Ministry of Planning and Investment shall send the dossier to relevant competent authority for opinion;


Step 3:

The relevant authority shall send its opinions to the Ministry of Planning and Investment;

Step 4:

Ministry of Planning and Investment shall make an appraisal report and submit it to the Prime Minister;

Step 5:

The Prime Minister approves the adjustment of the investment guidelines and sends it to the Investment Registration Authority;

Step 6:

The Investment Registration Authority issues the Adjusted IRC.


Directly at the Competent Authority. 



08 (eight) dossiers.



  1. A written request for adjustment the investment project;


  1. Report on the implementation of investment project up to the time of adjustment;

  1. Investor's decision on adjustment of investment project;

  1. Explain or provide documents related to investor adjustment, investor's financial capacity, project proposal, documents on land use rights, explanation of technology, BCC contract, other data (if any).


Ministry of Planning and Investment shall send the dossier to the relevant competent authority for opinions on the adjusted content;

03 working days from the date of receiving the valid dossier

The relevant competent authority have opinions on the adjusted contents under its management;

15 working days from the date of receipt of the investment registration authority's request

Ministry of Planning and Investment shall make an appraisal report on the adjustment contents of the investment project to submit it to the Prime Minister;

40 working days from the date of receipt of opinions

Prime Minister approve the adjustment for investment guidelines;

07 working days from the date of receiving the appraisal report

The Investment Registration Authority amends the Investment Registration Certificate.

03 working days from the date of receiving the written approval for adjustment for investment guidelines.


Project which is granted an Investment Registration Certificate and subject to Prime Minister’s approval for investment guidelines implements adjustment on the project result in amendment the contents on the IRC.


Valid dossier: Written document for approval for investment guidelines and Adjusted Investment Registration Certificate

Invalid dossier: Notice of dossier completion


Law on Investment 2020;

Decree no 31/2021/ND-CP guiding the Law on Investment;

Circular no 03/2021/TT-BKHDT stipulating the form of documents and reports related to investment activities in Vietnam, investment from Vietnam to abroad and investment promotion issued by the Ministry of Planning and Investment promulgates.

Last updated: 07/02/2021