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New regulations on authentication in 2015

On 16th February, 2015, the Government has issued Decree No. 23/2015/ND-CP on the issue of copies from master registers, authentication of copies from originals and authentication of signatures and authentication of contracts and transactions.

Decrees on the jurisdiction and procedures for copies from the original book; authentication of copies from originals; certification; authentication of contracts and transactions; legal validity of copies issued from master registers, authenticated copies from originals and authentication of signatures and contracts, transactions and authentication; State management of authentication. Notably, according to the Decree, with 6 original papers and documents will not be used as a basis for authentication of copies. Specifically these documents include:
  • The original is erased, repair, add, delete invalid content.
  • The original is damaged, dilapidated, unidentifiable contents.
  • The original seal of secret agencies and organizations authorized or not stamped confidential but clearly not be copied.
  • The original unlawful content, social ethics; propaganda, inciting war against the socialist regime of Vietnam; distorting history of the people of Vietnam; offend the honor, dignity and reputation of individuals and organizations; civil rights violations.
  • The original by the agency or organization of a foreign jurisdiction, notarized or certified yet to be legalized as prescribed in Paragraph 1, Article 20 of the Decree.
  • Papers, written by independent individuals but not certified and stamped by the agency or organization competent.  
The decree also stipulates: Papers and documents as a basis for authentication of copies from originals include: the original document, written by the agency, the competent institution; original papers written by individuals independently certified and stamped by the agency or organization competent. Also people require authentication of copies shall be liable for the contents, validity and legality of the original papers, documents used as a basis for authentication of copies; not require authentication of copies from originals of papers and documents in the case specified above. The authenticator is responsible for the accuracy of true copy originals.  This Decree shall take effect from April 10th, 2015. 

Vietthink News

Last updated: 10/04/2016